The primary business of Douglas Funds Consulting Pty Ltd is to provide specialist advice on the qualities of fund managers’ capabilities and products (funds and mandates) across all traditional asset classes (specifically; domestic and global equities, cash and fixed interest, listed property and infrastructure and others as they develop) and most alternative asset classes (particularly, fixed interest related).
The firm’s Principal, Nigel Douglas, has almost ten years’ experience as a voting member of investment committees at van Eyk (upto April 2010) and Perpetual (upto 2013) as well as external dealer group committees (specifically Hillross – an AMP dealer group).
This service draws on Nigel Douglas’s experience at Perpetual where a review of retail rating houses was conducted and at ANZ where two different asset consultants were used. One consultant’s advice was formally incorporated into the research process documentation and an SLA (service level agreement) was monitored. Furthermore, Nigel’s experience of running research teams at van Eyk, Perpetual and ANZ gives him a unique insight into what are the factors that make them effective in delivering high quality research.
This service draws on Nigel Douglas’s extensive experience and relationships with fund managers (at all levels) over 15 years since 2001. Previously, on the ‘sell-side’ at Merrill Lynch where he was Chief Economist Australia, he worked with a range of domestic and global fixed interest managers. This service can be extended to help managers be selected for mandates by larger institutions with complex approval processes.